Optimizing Our Contribution to Sustainable Development

A Better World

Every day you have the opportunity to make the conscious choice. For yourself and the planet. Yet change is hard. We know. More than ever, you demand products that deliver results while improving the beautiful world around us. We promise to do our part to ensure we make more sustainable choices with you and the planet in mind.

Our Promise

Our commitment to sustainability starts with advancing our standards for materials, packaging, sourcing, and social responsibility. This long-term sustainability strategy is built upon an enduring foundation that encompasses our operations, our products, and the communities surrounding our facilities

  • Clean Energy

    Clean Energy

    Conversion from fuel oil to natural gas generated an 86% emission reduction

  • Water Conservation

    Water Conservation

    Recycled NILIT® fibers save up to 830 kg water/ton of polymer, an 80.5% savings

  • Social Responsibility

    Social Responsibility

    Working in harmony with a diverse work force - regardless of age, gender or ethnicity. at NILIT, everyone has an equal opportunity

  • Resource Conservation

    Resource Conservation

    By using cogeneration steam, NILIT generates compressed air, cold water and, as a result, reduces electrical consumption of up to 4 megawatts and natural gas reduction of up to 75%

  • Pollution Elimination

    Pollution Elimination

    100% reduction of emissions of toxic waste

  • Zero Waste Management

    Zero Waste Management

    Recycle materials used in the processing of NILIT yarns, including packaging and byproducts of extrusion

Clean Energy

When creating our products, we strive to provide clean energy benefits while protecting public health and the environment over their whole life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials until the final disposal. Our product development efforts will be focused on sustainable yarns and fabrics that enhance comfort, performance, and well-being while also considering full lifecycle impact on the environment.

Total Product Sustainability

In recent years, we have fundamentally altered our processes to better respond to a changing world. We are continuing this transformation strategy to be more innovative, focusing on products, materials and operations that have a lighter touch and meet the expectations of our stakeholders.

Our Total Product Sustainability Program (TPS) ensures that we are true to our word by consistently and effectively taking active measures to improve sustainability efforts in multiple areas:

  • Internal program, led by QA. Internal certification
  • Measuring continuation of Carbon footprint reduction
  • Continuation of Energy savings in processes
  • Zero waste management
  • Continuation of Water conservation activities
  • Safety and respectful working environments
icon of sustainabilty

Read Our Sustainability Report in Full


Tested and Proven

Certificates we hold, related to our sustainable approach.

Work With Us

We are grateful that our partners believe in NILIT®’s mission and approach and continue to engage with us around the world.

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